Best Practices For Call Center Agents

8 Best Practices for Call Centers Business Looks to Boost Client Satisfaction


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In today’s competitive world, every business wants to stand out of the crowd, and assuring personalized client service has become one of the vital strategies that every business chooses to do. 

A study says 71% of customers expect personalized interaction from a company. 

To make the customers satisfied, effective communication, mostly human interaction, is important. This is why every call center practices some rules. 

If you are a business owner looking to hire call center services, you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss 8 best practices for call centers they follow to keep the customer satisfaction rate up to par. 

Let’s get started.

What Does the Technical Support Call Center Do?

what does the technical support call center do

Technical support call centers are the platform where the representatives offer tech-related solutions to the people over the phone. This is one of the tech-related call center quality assurance best practices. 

Generally, they have a designated team with diverse tech-related skills and experience, who are well aware of the technical problems clients face and know every nook and cranny to solve the issues. Thus, they maintain quality and satisfactory service along with client satisfaction. 

Difference Between Technical Call Center Vs. Customer Service

There are fine lines between technical customer support and traditional customer services and both are similarly confusing. Hence, let’s check out what are their differences. 

  • Solution provided

When it comes to any solution, technical customer support solves the technical and tricky issues that customers face. The customer service team rather work to solve other product or service-related issues that are not technical. 

  • Area of Expertise 

The technical support team offers technical support on products such as hardware, and software. The customer support team has skillsets to ensure fine conversation to keep up the business reputation. 

  • Process 

Technical support works for the mechanical or technical procedures so that clients can work smoothly. Customer service gets the clients onboard to a good experience. 

  • The final output 

The technical support team ensures that the customers have their technical issues resolved and customer service ensures clients have pleasant and satisfactory interactions. 

  • Communication Method

Technical service representatives have the skills to offer quality customer service. But the customer service team doesn’t necessarily have technical skills. 

8 Best Practices for Call Center Agents You Must Know Before Hiring

best practices for call center agents

Effective customer service can play a big role in 96% of customer’s choices. That’s pretty convincing to make a big difference for any business vying in the competition.

So if you are planning to hire the best call center company, make sure your desired call center workforce management is following these best practices. 

Checking this fact will help you understand how ethical, professional, responsive, and sincere the agency is to its work and how it will offer value to assist you in growing further. 

Let’s check those 8 call center best practices:

1. Effective Skill Strategies to Communicate Better 

For call center agents, communication is the key to success. To maintain a standard level of communication tone, word choice, vocabulary, and synthesis- everything matters. 

Also, they need to be positive in their delivery of speech. Your calling representative not only has to be a fluent speaker but also needs to be an attentive listener. Earnes listeners earn customers’ loyalty very well. 

2. Problem Identification and Solving Them 

Having technical issues is problematic enough to drive people crazy. This is why, it needs a quick fix. You need to make sure that your customers are not waiting long. 

So, before hiring, make sure your chosen team of client support is proactive in their process. It’s not like all the processes will be solved right away, some will take time to find the root cause. Make sure your hired team can manage the situation well enough. 

3. The Big 5 Personality Traits

Personality matters a lot while serving clients. If anyone has a naturally grumpy personality, unless s/he trains up, it would be difficult to serve the customers. 

Having said that, if you can know the people who you are hiring, check if they have the big five personality factors

  • Openness: Interested, creative, curious, etc. 
  • Conscientiousness: Self-disciplined, organized, methodical, etc. 
  • Extraversion: Assertive, energetic, social, etc. 
  • Agreeableness: Sympathetic, cooperative, trusting, etc. 
  • Neuroticism: Calm and controlled. 
Note: These traits differ based on high and low, but we pointed out to assure what you need to look for. 


This may seem puzzling. You can always train your team and instruct them to practice some traits so that they can communicate the way your customers prefer. 

4. Recruiting Staff Equipped With the Right Tools 

The client service team you are hiring should be equipped with the latest models tools and technologies such as software, cloud services, and communication systems.

 Also, they will be knowledgeable enough to understand how a tool works, in case you use any tools that are new to them. So, make sure to check their tools and equipment in advance. 

5. Analyzing Customer Survey Data

analyzing customer survey data

Another call center’s best practice that you need to look out for from your agency is its process of customer data analysis. It may include various metrics such as first contact resolution rate, average handle time, customer lifetime value, etc. It is a crucial step every call center does to:

  • Strategize and improve customer satisfaction for the business 
  • Build up the relationship with customers, and 
  • Boost operational efficiency. 

You need to make sure your call center team is doing this task on a timely basis. Analyzing customer data helps the call center team enhance their performance, check the changes, mark the improved areas, and figure out where to work most to maximize the desired output. 

6. Skill Enough to Utilize Knowledge Base 

As a business owner, you would create a knowledge base before outsourcing the services from a call center company. A knowledge base is the storehouse of information to which the call center will have access to organize and manage their procedure. You need to be assured that your assigned team has the skillsets, and knowledge to effectively put the information you are offering them to use. 

7. Measure and Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

measure and monitor key performance indicators

Measuring the KPIs or key performance indicators is one of the best practices every call center company follows. The KPI can be set as per the business requirements. Here are some factors that generally is included in measuring KPIs. 

  • Number of customers that have been called and the respondees.
  • How many customers have their issues resolved? 
  • What is the customer rating on the service? 
  • Number of positive and negative reviews. 
  • Issues they face with call service agents. 

You can set many other metrics depending on your business requirements. 

Note: To set your KPIs, make sure they are specific, achievable, quantifiable, time-bound, and easy to readjust and evaluate. In this way, you can track your outcomes easily. 


Analyzing these KPIs will indicate how far you have improved or what changes you have made for your businesses. 

8. Strategies to Follow Up With Potential Clients

Make sure your call center agents are following this best practice to heighten your client acquisition process by following up with the customers. 

With the follow-up calls, they can ask if their issues recurred or if they have any other concerns. Effective follow-up by the customer service team helps your business have a good reputation. It helps people not only stay connected with your business but also assure them you are on guard about them. 


Best practices are like the guideline that helps any business stay on the right track to ensure workability, performance, and consistency in results. 

Having the right partner assisting is a blessing to deliver satisfactory client services. Hope our article will help you find the right call center agents who are strict and follow their best practices accordingly.

Best Practices For Call Center Agents

8 Best Practices for Call Centers Business Looks to Boost Client Satisfaction

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8 Best Practices for Call Centers Business Looks to Boost Client Satisfaction